General Search Tips

SearchingGeneral Search TipsGeneral Search Tips

  • For a really broad topic, it may be necessary to search for smaller subsets of the topic. For example, to find articles about transportation, search for railroads, stage coaches, horses, wagons, or automobiles. To be even more specific, consider searching for names of individual companies, such as the Union Pacific or Denver & Rio Grande railroad companies, or Ford or Buick automobiles.
  • If you are searching for a very common term, it may help to limit your search to one newspaper title or date
  • If you don’t find a geographic place, try searching for the names of larger areas, such as counties, or smaller areas, such as neighborhoods.
  • If searching for a specific term doesn’t get the desired results, consider broadening your search. For example, when searching for Ford cars, try searching also for cars or automobiles.
August 18, 2015
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