Advanced Query Syntax

SearchingAdvanced Query Syntax

Query terms can be boosted to increase their importance in the search, changing the order of the search results. This is done by adding “^” and a boost factor at the end of the term, e.g.hamilton river^2 will treat “river” as more important than “hamilton” when ranking the search results returned.

Wildcard searches can be performed by including “?” (single character wildcard) or “*” (multiple character wildcard) in the query term. For example, hamilt* will match all words starting with “hamilt”.

Fuzzy searching can be done by adding “~1” at the end of individual terms, e.g. roam~1 will find terms like “foam” and “roams” as well as “roam”. This can help to compensate for errors in the text due to the Optical Character Recognition process.

Proximity searching allows you to search for words that appear close together in the text. For example, “John Smith”~3 will find results containing both the words “John” and “Smith” where they are no more than 3 words apart. So as well as finding “John Smith” it will also find “John J. Smith”, “John Frederick Smith”, “John Fullerton-Smith”, and even “Smith, John”.

August 18, 2015
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